JULY 2009
This paddle and overnight camp on Lismore (18/19-07-09) had all the ingredients for an enjoyable and memorable trip. Plan ‘A’ was to launch from Port Appin. However, due to the lack of parking facilities pan ‘A’ had to be abandoned. Plan ‘B’, five of us: Kirsty, Craig, Eddie (Quest129), Jim and myself, launched the kayaks from just north of Benderloch and paddled across Loch Crearan past Eriska out into the Lynn of Lorn and north past the Appin Rocks towards the north tip of Lismore . The sea was lumpy (exciting) as we past Rhbh’ Aird Ghainimh, heading south towards the skerries off Port Ramsay, where we had an early lunch. After lunch we retraced our wake past Rhbh’ Aird Ghainimh and paddled down the south coast of Lismore. Eventually we found a suitable campsite near Dun Uamh nan Cradh.

Wildlife sighting during the two days was fantastic: numerous sea/land birds, seals/seal pup, otters swimming, hunting and eating its catch on the shore and mackerel chasing large shoals of sprats near the shore.
The calm before the storm
Sunday, after exploring Eilean na Cloiche we paddled across the Lynn of Lorn heading towards the finishing point at Ledaig caravan park, the sea got very lumpy (even more exciting). The conditions were deteriating quickly (waves breaking) as we neared Fion Ard: we headed Camas Nathais bay to shelter. Cold and tired we found a sheltered area out of the increasing wind and rain, lit a fire which lifted the spirits, shared some food, reflected on our days paddle and life in general and laughed for the next four hours, thanks to Eddie. The evening calm came, we left the bay and 40 minutes later the trip was over. LismoreGreat paddling and company.
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